As the College deals with the repurcussions of the Corona virus, we have compiled resources that will allow you to continue to engage in the important work of providing a Wooster education.

Overview As some research takes place in a foreign country or high security environments, what you experienced during your research holds importance as much as the conclusion to your thesis. Through Virtual Reality [VR], viewers can transplant their visual and auditory senses to the places you’ve researched as you present your thesis. VR is defined as experiencing an […]
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Here for You Educational Technology and Technology Services is still working hard to bring you new updates, resources, and more! Follow this blog and social media accounts to be sure to stay up to date with the latest information. Need Help? Educational Technology Professional Staff Members: available 8:30AM-5PM, M-F via email and virtual bookings Technology Services […]
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Pixabay royalty free photos and videos
Pixabay is a website offering "over 1.3 million royalty free stock photos and videos shared by our … [Read More...] 观一展而知天下新车 2021日内瓦车展前瞻_新车_汽车频道 ...:2021-2-4 · 国际五大车展,论参展车型的数量和质量应伡日内瓦车展居首,1月北美车厂余热还没消退,3月日内瓦又要来一大波。就目前的情况看,本届日内瓦的重磅新车依旧规模宏大,具体有多少,自己往下看看表就知道了。

Draw Naturally with the Trackpad
In the newest update to the Microsoft software for Mac, you can now draw with the trackpad. Whether … [Read More...] 华为海思首次跻身全球十大半导体企业-中工企业-中工网:2021-5-8 · 中工企业24小时滚动报道国内外企业最新动态,关注中工企业频道,为广大职工提供最详细的企业、行业相关资讯。 美国时间5月6日,全球半导体市调机构IC Insights发布报告称,华为海思一季度销售额接近27亿美元,其在全球半导体厂商(包括集成电路和O-S-D)中的排名从去年同期的第十五名一跃升 …

By Pavithra Brahmananda Reddy Machine learning is quite the buzzword these days. In simple terms, … [Read More...] about Machine Learning and Patterns
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